Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do you mind if I tweet from your wedding?

OK. So you know I love Twitter and Foursquare. And, yeah, I admit that I check in at church on Foursquare and I’m the mayor of it (which, to be clear, doesn’t mean a crock of sauerkraut). But, I have never tweeted the sermon with a hashtag. Maybe I should. Would people follow? Perhaps. Or they might just think I’m one chicken leg short of a church picnic.

So when I read how social media is creeping into the $78-billion-a-year wedding business, it really didn’t surprise me. Peeps share wacky wedding dance videos on YouTube. Some include “QR” barcodes on invitations or live-stream their ceremony for those unable to attend. Others encourage guests to tweet, supplying the hashtag for crowdsourcing. And still others open their party playlists to let loved ones help choose the music or make interactive seating charts so guests can chat online ahead of time.

If I were getting married today, I’d be totally into all of this. Hubs would probably think I’m crazier than he originally thought, but that’s nothing new. I continue to raise that bar.

And, you know, I might just tweet during Pastor Greg’s next sermon. I already blog about his words of wisdom, why not publish his great soundbites. They’d fit in 140 characters for sure. I knew there was a reason, besides sitting in the “family” pew, that I sit in the back of the church.

What do you think of social media as it relates to weddings?

Cross-posted from Buffy's World

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