Sunday, January 8, 2012

Excerpt from WIP

I remember his black hair and curls. His five o’clock shadow in the middle of the day. The way his smile took up most of his olive face and the way his dark eyes danced when I walked into the room. I remember the first time he told me he loved me and the first time we made love. Why is it that you never forget your first love? Maybe it’s because it’s the first person you gave your heart to, completely. The first time you were afraid to breathe for fear the moment would pass and you would miss some of the seconds. Life is seldom what we think it will be. Especially when you’re sixteen and the biggest concern you have is whether someone has the same prom dress.   


  1. Loved it! Thanks for sharing. My favorite was the line about the way his eyes danced when she walked in the room.

  2. Very nice!
    Is this the opening paragraph, I wonder?

  3. Hey guys. This is from the new young adult novel I just started. It's not the opening graf, Dianne, but it is near the beginning:) Thank you for your encouragement!

  4. Beautifully written, Buffy! Those teenage feelings can be overpowering when you are in the middle of them. Nice job!
